Abrahamic Covenant
An unconditional covenant God made with Abram claiming a promise in Genesis 12:1-3 that He would show him the Promised Land, make his offspring into a great nation, and bless those who bless him. The covenant promise to Abraham still stands today. As the Jewish people migrate back to their homeland, numerous biblical prophecies, such as Amos 9 and Isaiah 35, are being fulfilled as a result of this spoken covenant by God.
Historically the Jewish people have experienced hatred and brutality across the globe. More often than not, these prejudices are reinforced by false Church doctrines that have chosen to replace the Body of Christ with Israel as God’s chosen people. This misleading and biased replacement theology has allowed for mass murder and genocide. The worst of these being the Holocaust of WWII. At Curt Landry Ministries we believe that God is a covenant keeping God, who does not break or change His plans or promises. We believe that the Body of Christ is grafted into the covenants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob because of God’s love for humanity as a whole, and we understand that we are invited to share in His promises with God’s chosen people, Israel. We are a ministry created to build a bridge of unity between Believers and the Jewish people.
A canopy beneath which a couple stands during their wedding ceremony. Chuppah literally means, “canopy” or “covering,” in Hebrew. A chuppah is normally constructed of four corner poles along with upper cross braces and normally is covered by a cloth or tallit. The chuppah is symbolic of the home that the couple will build together.
An intimate partnership and relationship with God. It allows the Believer to walk in the fullness of salvation. The fullness of the covenant is revealed to the Believer, overtime through the Holy Spirit and God’s Word.
Days of Awe
The ten-day period in between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. This is to be considered a time of introspection and repentance.
An act of faith that takes discipline and guidance from the Holy Spirit, in order to declare God’s Word over your life and situation. Through declaring and decreeing, and standing firm on God’s promises, a Believer comes into agreement with God. Decrees are normally superseded by a time of repentance, and followed by a time of praising God for His goodness and promises.
Elvira, The Council of
A council held during the early Church in AD 306 in Elvira in the Roman province of Hispania Baetica, now Granada in Southern Spain. This council began to separate the Christian faith from its Jewish roots, fueled by anti-Semitism. The supposed intent for the council was to develop order in the Church, however, many Jewish traditions and observances were removed from practice, such as Christians receiving blessings from the Jews, or Jews blessing their lands. This directly contradicts scripture as the divine purpose of the Jewish people; “In your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed, because you have obeyed My voice.” (Genesis 22:18)
Feasts of the Lord
These include seven unique festivals that were set apart by God as divine appointments for the children of God. Mentioned in detail in Leviticus 23, these seven Feasts are spread throughout the Jewish calendar. They include: The Feast of Passover, The Feast of Unleavened Bread, The Feast of First Fruits, The Feast of Pentecost, The Feast of Trumpets, The Feast of Atonement, and The Feast of Tabernacles. While many in the Body of Christ believe that observance of these High Holy Days belongs only to the Jewish people, we at Curt Landry Ministries choose to place our feet beneath the table of the Lord during these God ordained times—understanding that we do not celebrate out of legalism, but out of relationship
A way in which many Jewish people write the name of God. As a sign of respect, and to avoid risking the sin of erasing or defacing His Name, they choose to avoid writing the Name completely.
God as Father
An honorable and intimate name of God that represents a living relationship with Heavenly Father. When a Believer refers to God as Father in prayer, he or she has access to the “throne of grace” and “may obtain mercy and find grace to help in a time of need.” (see Hebrews 4:16)
God as Friend
A teacher, advisor and counselor who invites the Believer to partner with Him in intercession, petitions and decision making, in the counsel of the Lord, on behalf of situations and people.
God as Judge
As the sovereign judge in the Courts of Heaven, and by an invitation from the Holy Spirit, God hears our circumstances and answers us according to the governmental system in Heaven.
A celebration to commemorate the Maccabean Revolt that took place between 167-160 BC, Hanukkah takes place on the 25th of Kislev (Jewish calendar). The Jewish rebellion featured thousands of Jews fighting for their right to practice their faith. Against all odds, the Jewish rebels defeated the Syrians (who were under Greek control) in the war, which allowed them to restore the ancient temple in Jerusalem that had been sacked and desecrated by Greek forces. It was during this time that God miraculously provided oil for eight days/nights in the temple for the menorah; it is in honor of this that the Hanukkiah (an eight-branched candelabra) is traditionally lit for eight nights—to celebrate the miracle of God’s provision. Therefore, Hanukkah is not only a celebration of the Jews’ miraculous victory in the Maccabean War, but also a time of recognition of God’s presence in our lives, even during our darkest hours.
A systematic and violently horrific genocide in the world’s history, when six million Jews were persecuted and murdered between 1941 and 1945 during World War II. While most would agree that the acts were cruel and unimaginable, there are still some today who deny its impact or existence. At Curt Landry Ministries we support survivors alive today that escaped the hateful massacre, yet still bare the emotional scares the tragedy left behind.
An act of fully immersing in water, performed in ceremonies for cleansing, repentance, and conversion in both Judaism and Christianity. Immersion is an act with meaning extending far beyond conversion itself. By fully immersing in water, a person can truly symbolize a total commitment to God, and to his or her faith. While Baptism is typically considered a once in a lifetime experience, immersion is not. Instead, it is most frequently used as a time of cleansing and rededication. In Judaism the term is often referred to as a “mikvah.”
Jewish Calendar
The Jewish, or Hebraic calendar differs from the traditional Gregorian calendar we use today. It is based on the Earth’s rotation around its axis (one day), the moon’s rotation around the Earth (average 29 ½ days), and the Earth’s rotation around the sun (365 ¼ days). Because the rotations are slightly longer than the traditional calendar, holidays and festivals do not always appear at the same time according to the Gregorian calendar, but are consistent with the Hebraic calendar. It might also be noted that on the Jewish calendar feast celebrations are observed from sundown the day before the holiday, to sundown the day of the holiday.
Because God has provided a divine order and instruction through scripture, we at Curt Landry Ministries, enjoy celebrating the historical and biblical significance of the Jewish holidays. We do observe the Feasts of the Lord, set apart by God in Leviticus 23, for all His people. We understand that as we place our feet beneath His table during His chosen times, that we receive the commanded blessings. We believe there are great blessings that flow from understanding God’s appointed times and seasons.
Jewish Roots
The foundation and heritage of a Believer’s faith. Without understanding the foundational importance of the Jewish Roots to the Christian faith, Believers are separated from the blessings of their heritage. There is false teaching that the Church has replaced the role of Israel in God’s original plan. Through understanding the covenant relationship between God and man, the Holy Spirit reveals the Jewish source of the Christian faith. When we understand the culture that the words of the Bible were spoken into, we have a better understanding of their application and the mindset of the original audience.
Kiddush Cup
A ceremonial goblet used while reciting blessings over wine or grape juice during weddings, feasts, holidays, and on Shabbat. Kiddush literally means, “sanctification.”
A bath or body of water used in immersion ceremonies and baptisms. A person immerses in the mikveh as a symbol of rededication, cleansing, repentance, and conversion.
Nicea, The Council of
A council held during the early Church in AD 325, in Nicea (now Iznik, Bursa province, Turkey). This council began to separate the Christian faith from its Jewish roots, fueled by anti-Semitism. No Jewish council members were included, and was made up entirely of Christian bishops under the Roman Emperor Constantine I, who urged Believers to disassociate from anything Jewish. The result was the use of the Gregorian calendar for observing Yeshua’s resurrection, along with a prohibited observance of Passover with Jewish people, among other restrictions and decisions.
One New Man
First introduced in Ephesians 2:15, the concept on the One New Man refers to both Jewish and Gentile Believers, reconciled together under God, through one body. The Holy Spirit revealed to Paul and the Apostles the idea of One New Man as an invitation for all, Jew and Gentile to worship, pray, eat and serve together, tearing down walls of separation. Yeshua taught and demonstrated the Kingdom of God, as One New Man, throughout the land of Israel. Curt Landry Ministries mirrors this same invitation today. The same questions the Ephesians asked are present today, and our mission is to align with God’s plan to build a bridge of unity between Jews and Gentiles, worshiping God together as One New Man, honoring the Jewish roots of our Christian faith.
Orphan Spirit
A type of demonic spirit that invades a person’s mind causing a sense of abandonment, loneliness, alienation, and isolation. It often attaches itself to someone who has experienced extreme rejection in their life. A person operating out of an orphan spirit compensates these feelings of insecurities by being performance driven, competitive, and works independently. They struggle with self-worth and find it difficult to maintain healthy relationships.
Passover: The Feast of Passover / The Feast of Unleavened Bread
A Jewish Feast that commemorates God’s hand setting the Israelites free from Egyptian slavery. It begins on the 15th day of the month of Nisan (Jewish calendar). Passover is a memorial to God’s deliverance of His people in the Old Testament, and a picture of ultimate redemption through Yeshua’s blood as the Passover Lamb in the New Testament. It is celebrated among Believers today as a time to take inventory of spiritual growth during the past year, and ask the Holy Spirit to show areas of continual growth for the year ahead.
Pentecost: The Feast of Pentecost / The Feast of First Fruits / Shavuot
Also known as the Feast of Weeks, Pentecost is a celebration of the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai. It takes place on the 6th day of Sivan (Jewish calendar). It includes giving offerings to the Lord and a call to holiness. God’s Spirit descended upon Mount Sinai just as Jesus promised it would among Believers in Acts 2.
Pilgrim Feasts
During the three pilgrim feasts, Israelites were required to journey to Jerusalem and make an offering to the Lord. These pilgrim feasts are Passover, Shavuot and Sukkot. These three pilgrim feasts point to the Son of God and His bridge of connectedness to our Father. “…I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”—John 14:6
The Feast of Unleavened Bread, or Passover, is a memorial to God’s deliverance of His people in the Old Testament, and a picture of ultimate redemption through Yeshua’s blood as the Passover Lamb in the New Testament.
Pentecost / Shavuot— The Feast of Weeks, or Pentecost, is a celebration of the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai. It includes giving offerings to the Lord and a call to holiness. The Jews were gathered in Jerusalem to celebrate Shavuot when the tongues of fire fell in the upper room on what we now refer to as Pentecost (see Acts 2). Shavuot and Pentecost share the same day but they are celebrated in honor of two different invents: The giving of the Torah (or instruction), and the giving of the Holy Spirit with manifestation of fire.
Sukkot / Feast of Tabernacles
This is a feast to commemorate the years that the Israelites wandered in the desert. In John 7:37-38, Jesus said on the great day of the Feast, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” He provided the living water so that we no longer will thirst in the desert! Sukkot is an eight-day festival where “booths” (called Sukkahs) are traditionally built to commemorate the season where the Israelites dwelled in tents. Each booth is designed by the family, but generally has three sides with a ceiling open enough to allow the stars to be seen. This tradition reminds us that God is our protection and provision at all times.
The word literally translates to “wreak havoc,” or “violently demolish.” In 19th century Russia, during the Holocaust, pogroms were organized massacres and persecution aimed toward Jewish people and Jewish communities.
Poverty Spirit
A type of demonic spirit that invades a person’s mind causing a sense of deprivation. This spirit primarily attacks the finances of a Believer. A person operating out of this spirit typically makes poor financial decisions and experiences chronic long-term lack—no matter how much money they make, an emergency always seems to wreak havoc on their finances soon after.
A gift given by the Holy Spirit, that allows a Believer to decree and declare the divine will and purpose of God, through covenant relationship.
A Jewish Feast celebrating God’s miraculous act of saving the Jewish nation through the orphan named Esther. It is celebrated on the 14th of Adar (Jewish Calendar) late winter/early spring. Each year families gather together, dress in costume, eat delicacies, and retell the story of God’s faithfulness to His people. Believers celebrate this holiday by praying for peace, supporting and standing beside the nation of Israel, and remembering God’s faithful promise to restore His people.
Python Spirit / Leviathan Spirit
A type of demonic spirit that influences a person, ministry, marriage, or other institution established to glorify God. Its goal is to make the Believer lose hope in their purpose. This spirit is described as “wrapping itself around its victim and suffocating it.” Just when the victim thinks it has caught their breath, the Python Spirit (Leviathan Spirit) will tighten its grip again. This demonic spirit causes isolation, depression and cuts off communion and fellowship among Believers.
Religious Spirit
A type of demonic spirit that influences a person to replace a genuine relationship with God with works and traditions. When a person operates out of a Religious Spirit they attempt to earn salvation. This attempt to appear righteous is often hiding behind anger and resentment. They often set standards for those underneath them that are impossible to fill, withholding love from the individual when they fail to meet their standards. The Religious Spirit is highly critical and judgmental of everyone, especially those in leadership.
As a covenant relationship is reconciled with God the Father through repentance and acceptance of Yeshua’s blood, the Holy Spirit gives revelation to a Believer in order to recognize and gain wisdom and understanding for daily living and meditation on God’s Word.
Rosh Hashanah / The Feast of Trumpets
The Jewish New Year (civil), is celebrated on the first or second day of Tishri (Jewish Calendar). It is a time to put the past year to rest, learn from experiences, and welcome in the year ahead. It is a time of transition for a Believer from who you were, into greater revelation of who you will be in Christ. Rosh Hashanah is also the beginning of a ten-day period that ends with Yom Kippur referred to as the Days of Awe—a period of introspection and repentance.
Sabbath / Shabbat
The seventh day of the week. Intended to be a reflection of God’s work in creation, when He rested on the seventh day after laboring for six. He commanded the Jewish people to keep the Sabbath holy and blessed it. The Sabbath begins at sundown on Friday and ends at sundown on Saturday. There are also other “Sabbaths” during the year that are generally Feast days (such as Passover, Shavuot, Sukkot, etc.).
The Hebrew word meaning “peace.” In Hebrew, Shalom is the word often used as a greeting, as well as a farewell.
A ram’s horn used as a symbol and tool for spiritual warfare. It is an important part of the heritage of a Believer’s faith. Shofars were once used to announce the Sabbath and the holidays, and have played a significant role in Hebrew tradition. In Jewish tradition, shofars are naturally shed and made by hand into unique designs.
Generally a cube or rectangle with three or four walls that can be freestanding or used with an exterior wall of a house or garage, is built by families as a way to commemorate the pilgrim feast, The Feast of Tabernacles. Families observe this time by building and dwelling in temporary shelters as their ancestors would have done in the wilderness. These shelters, or booths, remind us of God’s protection and provision.
Sukkot / The Feast of Tabernacles
A seven-night festival that commemorates the years that the Israelites wandered in the desert after their exodus from Egypt. It takes place on the 15th of Tishrei (Jewish calendar). It is one of the three Pilgrim Feasts when all Jewish men were required to journey to Jerusalem and bring an offering to the Lord. Following Yom Kippur, it is a transition from godly sorrow to unreserved joy, as Believers remember, just as their spiritual forefathers did, God’s great protection and provision.
Literally translates to teaching, instruction, or guidance. The first five books of the Bible make up the Torah, or Pentateuch. The Torah is a gift of God’s perfect laws and instruction to the Jewish people on Mount Sinai, that they may be set apart as His representatives to the nations.
Tisha B’Av
Literally translates to “Ninth of Av” (Jewish calendar). It is a day of commemoration of the destruction of the First and Second Temples.
A prayer shawl, typically worn during prayer and on Shabbat and other Holy Days. It can be worn as a personal prayer tent, during dedications and immersions. At Curt Landry Ministries, our tallit is anointed and hand made in Israel.
The Hebrew word for repentance, turning away from sin and turning back to God.
Tu B’Shvat
A Jewish holiday on the 15th of Shevat (Jewish calendar). It literally means “New Year of the Trees.” In contemporary custom, this day is observed by planting trees and raising ecological awareness.
Literally means “salvation” or “The Lord is Salvation.” Yeshua Hamashiach is the Hebrew name for Jesus Christ our Messiah, and was the name He was called while on earth. It is unfortunate that during many pogroms, Jews suffered persecution and death “in the name of Jesus,” where replacement theology raised its ugly head because the Jews would not convert to their version of Christianity. Therefore the traditional western name of the Messiah, Jesus, imparts fear within the Jewish community more often than revelatory love. They do, however, understand “Yeshua” to mean Messiah and some subscribe to Him as a prophet, but few acknowledge Him as their Savior.
Yom Kippur/ Feast of Atonement
Considered the holiest day of the Jewish year, it is a day of repentance and fasting. It takes place on the 10th of Tishrei (Jewish calendar). This is a time to of corporate repentance making amends in the areas where Believers have sinned throughout the previous year. Referred to in Leviticus 16 as a time of “affliction,” Believers understand the underlying joy that they serve an ever-forgiving God who desires to show mercy and forgiveness when they return to Him.